Every child deserves an encounter with God, and at Way of the Heart SMFLX 5.0, we've made provision for your child or teenager to experience God fully. We do not doubt that the kingdom of God is for little children; as such, we have designed a camp-meeting specifically for them to cater to their need of God.
It would amaze you how much their little minds can comprehend the wonders and beauty of the kingdom of God.
Preparing singles, married, and families willing and ready to engage the purpose and plan of God for their lives. This is more than a gathering, but a move of God to help us discern and pursue our prophetic course as ordained by God.
Preparing singles, married, and families willing and ready to engage the purpose and plan of God for their lives. This is more than a gathering, but a move of God to help us discern and pursue our prophetic course as ordained by God.
Imagine a campground milling with people of different backgrounds, upbringings, ideologies, and standards yearning for one purpose - living entirely before the Audience of One. Some might come confused, weary, bruised, hungry and thirsty for more or even in high spirits, but they all leave with one desire - to pattern their lives according to divine ordinance.
At SMFLX, Teenagers enjoy fellowship with the Lord. They are redirected to their true purpose in God and strengthened against prevalent youthful lusts that plague young people in the world today.
Jesus loves little children! While parents enjoy the atmosphere of the word of truth, little ones are not left out in the ministration of the gospel. They are also exposed to an atmosphere of grace and truth!
Peeking through the heavens, ready to rain down blessings upon you.
Searching us true and through. Shedding His Perfect Light upon our Hearts, as we cry unto Him for mercy.
Taking away every iota of uncleanliness from our souls, causing our hearts to quake and tremble at every unveiling of His word to us, that we may appear spotless and blameless in His sight.
Breaking forth into newness of life and spirit, opening up fresh founts within you, and a release of power to address various issues plaguing this generation.
When freedom beckons you come, you run like your life depends on it. Because there you'll experience a reawakening and true discovery of purpose.
Holy Elohim, riding prosperously upon the praise of His people. With shouts of joy, dance, praise, and rejoicing, we will worship our Lord Jesus Christ.
Come enjoy an atmosphere of worship at WOTHSMFLX 2025 as the Lord comes to us to abundantly bless His people.
A redefinition of freedom, different from what the world says freedom is.
While we will experience true liberty in WOTHSMFLX 2025, we will also receive the power to express it in our homes, workplaces, relationships and lives.
Get ready for an atmosphere of intense and fervent prayer at WOTHSMFLX 2025.
Approaching the presence of the Lord with thanksgiving in our hearts as we eagerly expect the victories and breakthroughs ahead of us in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray for a multiplication of grace and power upon every heart, to bring about a bountiful harvest of God’s blessings in our midst and within us.
Through words, the Lord is able to reveal His desire and passion for us in our various estates as singles, married, and as a part of a family.
The family life expression, as ordained by God, is sustained through obedience to the words spoken by the Lord to frame us as strong families, which will, in turn, make strong churches.
Here are the spirit-filled ministers and minstrels that the Lord will be using to bless and impart us with His things.
WOTHSMFLX is the acronym for Way of the Heart Single, Married & Family Life Xpression. SMFLX is a vehicle of the great and mighty move of God birthed by the breathe of the Holy Spirit to publish the ancient thoughts of God.
WOTHSMFLX is for all believers; ranging from singles to married, and even the entire family. WOTHSMFLX is open to children and teenagers!
Yes, accommodation is available at a subsidized amount. Special Hostel Accommodation is available for singles. While Hotel and Chalet is available for married couples, families and singles.
WOTHSMFLX is hosted by Lively Meetings International.
Follow WOTHSMFLX on X, Instagram, Facebook @wothsmflx
Dansol High School, 13/15, Acme Crescent, Off Acme Rd, Off Agidingbi Road