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Day 1 Evening Session II

Pst. Thompson Ehima
June 29, 2023
Horn of Strength

God's original intent for man was that he would journey into His image and likeness. Thus, when Adam and Eve were created, they had to continually fellowship with the voice of God. But this fellowship was broken by reason of the fall; hence, the program of image and likeness was aborted. Since the fall, man has further journeyed away from the purpose of God. The image which man currently bears is a distortion of the original intention of God; this distortion was done by Satan.

Man is oblivious of God's true intention for him; this thought has not entered into the heart of man. A man can be born again yet remain a child, ignorant of God’s intention for him. Jesus did many miracles while on earth but beyond that, the real reason He came was to restore the pathway for the realization of the original intent of God for man. This intention of God for man was revealed by Jesus, who was raised by God to sit on the throne where God is seated. It took Jesus to fully capture and express the intention of God for man.

The coming of the Word (Jesus) in the likeness of sinful flesh was an expression of the weakness and the foolishness of God that is both wiser and stronger than man. Satan in ignorance perceived Christ’s coming in the form of man as weakness. To Satan, sons of God ought to carry a certain splendour such as the angels do but God defied every calculative wisdom of men and fallen spirits and brought forth Christ in a way that could not be naturally discerned by any being. Hence Satan couldn’t perceive or discern strength in the person of Jesus. (1 Corinthians 2:8).

Jesus came in the form of sinful flesh to identify with man; hence we do not have a Saviour who cannot be touched by the feelings of our infirmities. He is both the horn of salvation and the horn of strength; this is because strength is needed to draw salvation. (Hebrews 4:15).

God raised Jesus as a horn of strength and a mediator between man and God. God did this with the intention to bring man into that which He has prepared for man from the very beginning - that which eyes hath not seen, which is for men to be like God. God’s intention for man is that we see Him. We must see Jesus as the horn of strength and understand the process of His making, knowing that we can be made as He was made. (Hebrews 2:14).

God's intention is to completely redefine the state of man. After the fall, man became flesh and blood though he was made a living soul. We cannot inherit what God has prepared for us, which is to become sons of God in the state of flesh and blood. Blood is a program and a law in the soul designed by Satan to run men on earth. It signifies the nature of sin in the soul. Our conversations have hitherto been defined by this blood but God’s intention is to make us free from flesh and blood. (Hebrews 2:14, 1 John 3:2, Genesis 6:3).

During the days of Jesus' flesh, men could not discern His Person. The Father through Peter, had to bring the revelation of Jesus as the Son of the living God. Horn pierces through the flesh; thus Jesus, as the horn of strength, has power over flesh. Jesus has His own flesh and blood which is different from that of sin and death.

The power of death is flesh and blood. Hence, there is a need for revelation and breakthrough into light to reveal it. No man can prevail against flesh and blood without the horn of strength. Hence, Christ came in the likeness of flesh and blood. He became who we are so we can become who He is (an exchange and a replacement). By this, He destroyed the power of death.

Death makes man flesh and blood in order that man would never come into the image and likeness of God. The Son of God thus came to expose and reveal flesh and blood. Flesh and blood cannot hold down the horn of strength; the Son of God has power to destroy flesh and blood.

Men of weakness, such as Gideon and Barak, were made strong by the Lord. Likewise, we would be made strong by the Lord; we would be made stronger than our enemies. Weakness in our days is revealed in men’s distortion of their identities (gay, transgender). Hence, we ought to pray for God’s visitation of strength to enable us deal with His enemies within us. (Hebrews 11:33-34).

Many marriages are breaking in these times because men and women have become weak. A man who cannot apologize to his wife is a weak man. Such a man needs strength to let go of his ego. Weakness is also seen in the single estate when a single man or woman can go against the standards of God just to get married. But we see Ruth, who is a standard of a single who sought the Lord. Weakness also plays out when men relocate due to perceived hardship without seeking the intention of God. Thus, many have hastened out of God’s direction and have been led by their sight and judgment of the economy.

Satan has hitherto trusted in the surety of his work in man, but God is bringing wisdom of raising to us in these times. Satan has distorted man's understanding of his true identity as ordained by God. Also man’s perception of singlehood, marriage, and family life has been tampered with. But the Lord is visiting us with great sight and help in SMFLX'23.