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We are in the days of the dominion of strength; a dominion of the kingdom of iron which would break and subdue is a dominion of all things. The dominion of God in these last days is also that which would break down kingdoms into pieces. It is a dominion of the reign of the rod of iron which is a tool of God’s strength. (Daniel 2:40, Psalm 2:1-9).
Satan has weakened man through the operation of his strength. God’s intention is to destroy the enemy and the avenger who has hitherto ruled and subdued men through fear. One major area Satan is attacking man is through the institution of the family. Satan has so subdued men that men are no longer able to uphold the standards of God but much more in these last days there would be an outbreak of the strength of God. Hence it would be a great deception for any man in these last days to rely on his own strength because every strength would be tested. (Psalm 8:2).
The emergence of the man of sin is one that would come after men have been conquered such that men would willingly go after him. This is one of the things that horn does; horn is a symbol of strength, an authority of conquest. Hopelessness comes in weakness, and as long as a man is weak he would not be able to connect to the source of life spinning from God. (Job 14:8-9).
The operation of hell and death is one which saps strength from men until the only option is for them to be destroyed. This was the case of Sodom and Gomorrah. But there is a strength which Zion would come into. Zion is not a church but a place in the spirit.
Every believer has a desire for a certain kind of marriage. The single man is weighed with the uncertainty of what the future holds for him, having the conflict of the possibility of remaining pure in his estate as opposed to the standards which the world upholds. This is as a result of the fallen strength Satan has used to weaken a generation.
The evil day is a day for the manifestation of the strength of God. The strength would be made manifest through a people of God upon the face of the earth. A generation which has not been able to appropriate the strength of God would have nothing to pass down to the next generation. Thus, as singles and married we should endeavour to be successful in these estates and the keys of the kingdom is an authorization for a believer to excel in these estates. Counselling if not proceeding from the wonderful counsellor (our Lord Jesus) would be unable to address the issues that many face in their homes. (Matthew 16:19).
There is an estate God gave man before He gave him every other estate. To get every other thing right, we have to go back to the core resource of the estate God originally designed for man. The challenges men face cuts across every sphere of life regardless of his estate in the natural - the high achievements one has or titles. Singlehood or the married estate is an aftermath of the life that God gave to a people. (Isaiah 9:6).
A single who is able to appropriate his singlehood well, and live as God has ordained for him, would have no issue when he changes his estate into marriage. For instance, one who has learned to abstain from youthful lusts as a single would not need to learn to abstain from adultery when he is married, because he/she has mastered a life of wholeness.
A man does not arrive at a conclusion against the standards of God in one day without being tutored by the spirits of the air. The lack of access to the standards of God’s expectation in marriage has brought us to a place of admiration for the standards which the world has set. The absence of physical abuse in a marriage is not a validation that it is according to the standards of God. (Ephesians 2:1-2).
In the beginning, God created man and gave him dominion over all other things created on earth. This dominion is over the life these creatures express. Dominion or reign of life is victory hinged on what God says man should have. (Genesis 1:26).
Adam was on a journey to conformity to the image and likeness of God, and this is what it means to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. We are being prepared for the days ahead when the adversary would unleash all his forces upon mankind; only a man who has come to strength in the Lord would be able to withstand these forces. (Ephesians 6:10-11).
Image precedes likeness. Image is the seed, while likeness is the full building. A man who would come into the dominion of the beginning must fully conform to God’s image and likeness because that is the manner of man that can exercise reign. He is a man whose thirst is for God's will to be done and not to just get things going. (Genesis 1:26).
Failure is not failure until a man has lost the ability to learn from it. A man is said to have failed when he can no longer journey into what God has in mind for him. The ministration of the strength of God back to man is through righteousness by the preaching of the gospel. Heaven must conquer our strength in unrighteousness if they would minister true strength to us. The only escape God has provided for man is in running after the image of God.
There is nothing we are going through in our day that God has not seen ahead of time. The children of Israel sang a song of salvation after they crossed the red sea but they were not truly saved. Not every righteous man would be saved but only those who would run to the Lord. The righteous man has to run to the Lord for salvation else he will perish. John the Baptist was the first man that began to talk about salvation the way it meant in the heart of God. (Exodus 14:13-14, 1 Peter 4:18, Luke 3:5-6, Proverbs 18:10).
One can not confess one's self into the image and likeness of God. A man can be said to have entered into God's image when he bears the nature of that image; the seed of God can be said to have been planted in such a man. A man who has conformed to His image migrates from the genealogy of man to that of God. It is only such a man who operates by the gene of God that the enemy cannot gainsay. This is the reason for the manifestation of the Son of God - that all the works of the devil would be destroyed.
When God created and blessed Adam and Eve, they were created male and female; this was an estate in the spirit. In the mandate of God’s calling for humanity, no one is ahead of the other as all were created coheirs of the promise. The new testament never promised a change of estate in the natural. The emphasis of the new testament is that whichever estate in the natural one is in, we must live therein according to the standards of God. When God commanded man to have dominion over the earth, they were not in any estate in the natural. Their estate was in the spirit. (Genesis 1:26-27, Colossians 3:22, Ephesians 6:5).
The glorious liberty of the sons of God is an expression of the manner of life God ordained for the male and female man. There was a practice of life which was before creation and this is the promise of God to us. Man has been given the opportunity to fulfil a primary practice of life in this world before he moves into his true vocation of a life in God in His world. Eternal life is the beginning of another world.
The gender of man transcends this present world. Gender is an eternal construct and the body of man is needed in the world which is to come. And this is why the attacks of Satan against gender in this age are rapidly increasing. In the creation of man, man’s spirit and soul were created by an operation of God but the formation of his body was by the operation of the Lord God. After the fall of man, man degenerated to a state where he became flesh and thus, God began to relate with man by the operation of the Lord. (Genesis 6:3).
Therefore any man who would return back to the strength with which he was originally created must go through a process. The first step in returning back to God is undergoing the tutelage of the operation of God as Lord. This way man will gain a measure of strength although that strength is still not the strength of dominion.
Our journey as believers is from strength to strength, and then we can come into might. The gospel is power, before a believer can come to a place of strength against sickness, bad dreams, the activities of demons, he must come to different levels of power in the Holy Ghost. The store of strength is might, and one who has access to might can increase strength and become mighty in God. (John 1:12, Psalm 27:1, Proverbs 24:5).
The focus of God from the beginning was for man to be built. God blessed man to be fruitful; this fruitfulness is not child bearing but it means that a man ought to grow and attain a stature wherein he can produce another after his kind. Thus, a man must first be fruitful before he can multiply. (Ephesians 1:3).
The fall of Adam hindered the gene of man from producing after his kind, as such the generations after Adam grew weaker and weaker. This is because Adam was unable to finish his curriculum of conforming to God’s image and likeness before the fall. Thus we see that God cannot stay with a generation who cannot multiply His seed and retain His strength.
The gospel is a restoration of the program of God for man. One who is unable to understand the program of the gospel would have a false sense of fulfilment without making profit with the gospel. This is the agenda of Satan who has kept the world under his subjection for over 6,000years. But we must come to a place of understanding the desire of God and acknowledge that only He has the ability to bring us there.
Our Lord Jesus bruised the horn of Satan by His strength. However, when a wounded horn heals, it becomes stronger and this is why we must race into our knowledge of God to gain victory over Satan. One who has not arrived at God does not have the strength being talked about. The instrument for the acquiring of the strength of God is fellowship. Fellowship is not in the regular attendance of church but in the oneness of mind and spirit. One who has a problem with fellowship cannot come into light. (2 Corinthianns 6:14-18).
The template which God gave to man in the beginning has been fulfilled in Jesus through the gospel. The essence of the glorious gospel is for man to experience the glorious liberty. The glorious liberty is the freedom from within man to do the will of God. This is why it is only the Son of God that has the right to make a man free, and anyone who He has made free is free indeed. (2 Corinthians 4:4, John 8:36).
The general problem of man is blindness. The god of this world blinds. Even when you are given sight to see, you still need power to do. A man who is free indeed expresses this freedom in any estate he is. (Ephesians 3:20).