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Day 2 Evening Session II

Pst. (Mrs) Lilian Egwuchukwu
June 30, 2023

No woman can be a godly mother or wife without being equipped by God. Every wife must be equipped with strength to stand the test of time to come. For marriage to succeed we must look at Christ our role model, who laid His life down for the church. Just as Christ laid down His life, we must likewise die to our ambitions, will, ideas and expectations for our marriages. Our expectations in marriage must be in accordance with God's expectation for marriage. (1 Peter 3:1-5, 1 Peter 2:24-25).

Knowing we have an adversary who intends to halt God’s plan and intention for marriage, both man and the woman must die to themselves to make marriage thrive according to God's standards. We must learn to die to the opinions and ideologies of men which are contrary to God’s.

Married couples must be good forgivers; each one must have a reservoir of forgiveness to always dole out each time offence arises. Marriages would not work except we die to ourselves. God wants us to apply the judgement we are receiving in our homes and in training our children.

We cannot afford to not be built in these times. We need to be built up to be able to raise children. We need a building to raise another building. Parents must give themselves to being equipped in the word to be able to transmit such virtues to their children.

Christianity is in the heart. We must thus be purified in our choice of who to marry. We must give heed and pay attention to our motives. We must race to be built and utilise the resources and judgement of the Lord being given to us in these times.

Just as soldiers in the world go through rigorous training we likewise must be trained for the times we are in as our faith will be put to test. We must not joke with our building and must fight every distraction holding us down. Young women must not allow the desire for marriage to be a distraction against the building that the Lord intends to raise in us. We must ensure to not be alive to the things of the world and complacent to the things of God. (1 Timothy 6:19).

We need to be fortified against the times to come. We must yield our hearts to receive all that God has for us. We must give ourselves to do Christ well and race into the life God has for us. All that we are receiving (life) cannot be compared to anything in this world. We must be equipped for the days to come as war is coming. We must thus strive to gain entrance and enter into the ark of salvation.