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God is a family man, a Father and we must not lose sight of it. To do well in family life, we must understand how God runs His family. God begets Sons through His word. The first man, Adam and the last Adam (our Lord Jesus) are both Sons of God brought forth by the Word of God.
God had an intention when He created man in the beginning. Though Adam was created as an adult, he still needed to grow spiritually. This is because maturity is not a function of age but of responsibility. God created Adam’s spirit, soul, and body, but the fusion of his spirit and his body made him into a living soul. It was the living soul who had the instruction to partake of the Tree of Life in the garden. (Genesis 2:7).
The earth is a dwelling place for souls, not spirits. The soul of man is made up of his mind, heart, emotions, and thoughts. It is also in the soul that the kingdom resides. For the soul of Adam to gain maturity, he was meant to eat Christ and God.
After the fall in the Garden of Eden, Adam abused his wife when he pinned the blame for eating the fruit on her. When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. Those who do not know the purpose of a wife will abuse her.
The soul was meant to rule the world. Satan understands this, and that is how he dominates the world through the soul of man, but man does not understand this. Everything we see on earth is a product of people's imaginations.
Christianity is focused on the change of nature through inward working rather than a change in the external. When we become aware that we have a new life in us, we should begin to live according to the standards of that new life. We ought to understand this new life in us, or we will abuse it. Adam was unaware of the kind of spirit God had placed in him. As a result, he made the wrong choice, opening an avenue for sin to encroach upon man. Satan is from a higher realm than the present. He knew what to do to tamper with men.
The decision of whom one should marry should not be taken casually because a wrong marriage can affect the destiny of many generations. The birth of Jesus was not a casual one. A lot of spiritual effort was imputed to getting the right requirements that facilitated His birth.
Spirits are hovering around the airspace of man. They come down to earth to influence souls. Every time God descended into the Garden of Eden, He came down with a realm. Jesus, in the days of His flesh, operated by a law that was higher than the realm Satan could generate. This shows that souls behave the way they do because of the realms they fellowship with.
The spirit of this age is from a realm that is not of the earth. The earth is for natural men, but there is a higher realm. The beings from this realm have cultured men on Earth to walk a certain course. Those spirits need the human mind, will, and emotion for them to possess the earth. Hence, the nature that a soul expresses is because of the realm of spirits it interacts with. Men who have been cultured by the spirit of the age are disobedient, that is, they stand against God’s purposes (Ephesians 2:1-2).
God gave man imagination so that the kingdom of God would spread on the earth but Satan hijacked it. Imagination is the faculty for forming new ideas and concepts of eternal objects that are not present in the senses. By imagination, a man can capture spiritual things. The kingdom of God cannot be established on earth without the imagination of man. Our prayers ought to bring us to the realm of the spirit, where things are. Everything in the spirit is ever-present. There is no past tense, and that is why God is an eternal Being, He is ever-present.
All spirits want to find expression on the earth. Satan became interested in man for this reason. The multitude of words and prayers which God commits to us is for eyes to be opened to the realm of the spirit. This is how we see what the true purpose of God is. Spiritual things cannot be committed to one who is spiritually blind.
God has thoughts and ways, but there is a manner of man who can receive these thoughts and ways. Such a man’s eyes must be opened. Satan, through Adam, opened man’s eyes to the realm of the World, a realm where there are possibilities. It is a kingdom operation. Although Adam had fellowship with God in the Garden of Eden, the imagination that resulted in his, hiding, was a product of the realm that invaded him from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The imagination of his heart became broadened. This was the beginning of evil; it is contrary to life.
Adam started departing from God because a horn attacked him in the garden. Horns are spirits. They know how to tabernacle with a person and consistently attack his weak spots. Spirits cannot come to the earth if we are all in Christ. We are the ones sustaining them in the air by our mindset. Demons can be cast out but spirits cannot because they are the source of nature formation in man.
Satan has touched man’s imagination, and things have deviated from God's order. He intends to be lord over the earth. He is after the souls of men because God committed the dominion of the earth to man. Adam believed the lie Satan sold to him, that he could be like God. He accepted because he did not understand the process God designed for him. In the same manner, Satan sells different kinds of lies to men in this age. He propagates thoughts through the wildness of our imaginations. God wants us to shut the doors of our minds and imaginations to the influence of Satan. It takes time for imagination to cake in our hearts but it always starts from one imagination.
We must strive to call our minds and souls back from whatever is pressuring us or causing wars in our imaginations so that the gates of hell will not prevail against us.