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Day 3 Morning Session Rev Ken

Rev. Kennedy Igbinedion
July 1, 2023

Sometimes, it can be difficult to believe that our growth in the spirit is necessary for a good marriage. This often makes us think that any servant of God should automatically have a good marriage but this is not always the case. It is a huge task for a man to be able to manage a woman as she is a whole generation. This is why married men are assumed to be responsible.

The formation of a new man’s body was from the raw materials of the earth but the woman was formed from a processed material (man). As a result, man and woman differ in their places of expression. There is a way God sees man and woman uniquely. So we must know that man and woman are different.

A man who is not born again does not have access to live spiritually under God. The spirit of the world tutors and develops men on Earth. Likewise, men have used these spirits to master the system of this world. This world is a system crafted by Satan but executed through men. These men are in different occults that operate with spirits. They are men that Satan has invested in. Therefore, they are spiritual men in the realm of wickedness, though there are others who are carnal in wickedness.  

It is the spiritually wicked men that control the system of the world. There is the world, which is the system, and there are the things in the world, which are the materials produced by these spiritual men. The things of this world were deliberately produced to achieve certain goals. (1 John 2:15).

Beyond being a Person, Jesus was also made Christ, which is the principle that runs the Kingdom of God. As people interacted with the person of Jesus on the outside, He had the building of Christ within Him. God loved us and gave us Jesus. The reason for the bringing of Christ was to raise spiritual men that would be able to match the wicked spirits on earth. As believers, we are in the world but we are not of the world. By being born again, we have access to a portal through which we can be made spiritual.

We need to be spiritual because the things we will collide against are also spiritual. The earth is not a virgin land. It has been invaded by fallen evil spirits that have used men over time.

As believers, we have the Spirit of Christ in us which gives us liberty that starts from within. The bondage of the enemy is one that holds men bound from within their souls. So the man who has a measure of bondage has now become a child of God. Truly, we have been delivered from the bondage of sin but we must also stand in the liberty we have received. However, it is difficult to stand because there are wicked spirits that fight against our standing. (Galatians 5:1, Ephesians 6:12).

We can be spiritually-inclined Christians but trends and fashions in the world can keep us bound. That a person has some measure of spirituality does not mean they are completely free from these spirits. The system of this world was crafted by Satan but we can rarely see him very apparent in the scene. Thus, we need sight and judgement to discern him and his systems.

Christ is a Person and a principle that can be learnt. He is in us so that we can have the principle of life that He has. Marriage was ordained purely of God. If our souls were spiritually mature, any man would have been able to marry any woman, and they would have been compatible. However, this is not the case because our souls have fallen short due to the natures we inherited and those we interacted with while on Earth.

We have all been influenced by things on the earth but they do not affect what Christ has done in us. However, the enemy can capitalise on them to reign in our lives. A horn has the capacity to destroy but it can also raise and bring freedom. Christ is a horn that has been raised to destroy every planting in us that is not of the Father.

The various natures we captured while growing up form our personalities when we go into relationships. Every man or woman is an expression of many previous generations. They have formations that we have no idea of, nor can see. This is why we have to be led concerning who we should marry.

Christ in us is the hope of glory and horn of salvation, but we must hear the words of life so that the Christ in us can develop and conquer all the things we may have gathered while growing up. Christ in us is our horn of strength and salvation. This shows that the operation begins from the inside and we should allow this work to prosper in us. (Psalms 18:1-2).

We are in different levels of horn formation but it is the same Christ that is being built in us. We must therefore be careful not to join ourselves to one in whom the horn of Satan is being formed. The two people in marriage ought to be two Christ buildings in progress.

Marriage is the union of two people leaving their respective premises into an unfamiliar premise. The two parties are ignorant of what to expect from this new premise. Hence, the first problem in relationships is that the individuals do not know themselves. Many of the problems in marriages have begun to manifest right from courtship.

We should not bring systems of the world into our marriages. There are many faulty value systems even within the Church. These are due to our fallen natures, not the Christ that is in us. Self-control is an example of a strength grown by the horn of Christ. We should not by ourselves hinder the growth of this horn; else we would lack the strength to withstand the negative horns.

Two are better than one. To form a family, the man and woman have to leave their roots, including habits and former loves. The idea of marriage is that the man and woman ought to come into a new place that operates the law of the Spirit of life in Christ. In such a family, the enemy cannot find a space.

The institution of marriage is a garden fenced by God such that none of the parties can come out except God opens the door. The enemy cannot get any of them unless he first gets the marriage. That is why the horn will first attack the fence, which is the marriage.

Satan does not want marriages because they create a space for God to come in the cool of the day. It is important that both father and mother be involved in the raising of a child; it is usually obvious when a child was brought up by one parent. God created marriage as a place where he can raise godly seeds and bring salvation.

A man’s environment has a level of influence on him. Nevertheless, Christ ought to influence all these things so that the light in us will shine and our relationships will be as God wants. Families should have the same kind of faith and hold the same opinions.

God has made us free but we should allow this freedom to permeate our souls completely. As the horn of strength is being built in us, the culture of the Kingdom will become strong in us.